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Klean-Green India

Klean-Green cares about both the planet & people. We provide truly natural & sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic products & packaging for homes, offices & gifting purposes. Alongside we also generate livelihood opportunities for marginalized urban poor & rural communities.

Correct transparent leaves

The Aha! Moment

The sight of huge mounds of plastic bags filled with household waste coming out in the environment every day during the lockdown in 2020 was quite alarming. We found out that it’s a problem and we just don’t talk about it enough. That is when our journey to find a sustainable alternative began.

In India,food items are generally served in single-use leaf plates or bowls made from natural leaves during mass feasts. Post usage these soiled bowls & plates are dumped in compost pits and within few months these plates turn into compost, thus making the soil more nutrient-rich. This liquid retaining & 100% compostable quality of the leaf plates led to the idea of making various products & packaging. The idea was an Aha moment! for everyone who heard about it & we received enough encouragement to work further on this idea.

Correct transparent leaves

Our Commitment

Over consumption of plastic & other not so sustainable materials & their fast inappropriate disposal is harming our ecosystem, contributing to global warming, soil quality degradation & toxic emissions. Klean-Green believes that sustainable lifestyle is a feel-good lifestyle which is inclusive. With our product design innovations & conscious efforts we use plant based 100% compostable & renewable materials to offer various utility products & packaging solutions for environmental, social & economic impact.
